Building a Studio in Small Spaces

Hey there, Ecamm fam!

In this video, India shares how she transformed a small section of her unfinished basement into a functional studio space using photography backdrops. When you're limited on space, these backdrops can be a game-changer! 🙌

Here are some key takeaways:

  • India turned an 8ft x 6ft space in her basement into a full functional studio space by using a solid wood butcher block desk to mount her gear
  • Keeping a minimal setup with a monitor arm, laptop stand, low-profile mic, and all-in-one capture card/audio interface helps maximize the small space
  • The OBSBOT Tiny 2 Lite webcam is a compact, powerful camera that only requires one USB-C cable, making it a great choice for this smaller space
  • Mounting lights on plumber's pipes attached to the ceiling frees up desk space and allows for adjustable positioning


Photography backdrops offer more flexibility than green screens, allowing you to create color effects using accent lights

Here are some helpful tips for getting the best audio and video quality in an untreated room like a basement:

  • Use accent lights at 50-75% brightness and position them 6+ inches from the backdrop to avoid hot spots
  • Match the color temperature of your key and fill lights for consistent white balance
  • Position your microphone close to your mouth to minimize room slapback and use audio processing software to further improve sound

With a bit of creativity and the right gear, you can build an impressive studio in even the smallest of spaces. Don't let limited space hold you back from creating amazing content!

Check out the full video here for all the behind-the-scenes details: